
Each item below is prefixed with a 5-digit internal ID, followed by the Development Sprint in which it was delivered as the number in brackets, and then colour-coded as Green to indicate a Feature Update or Purple to indicate a Software Fix.

3rd September 2024

55345 (11) - Split Phone Calls by Purpose
We've created the visibility of the volumes of different Phone Call types (purposes) a Team has made, to understand past/current activity. Ensured that phone call ‘types’ are configurable per customer. Additionally, we've implemented a doughnut chart, titled ‘Phone Calls by Purpose’ and a stacked bar chart titled ‘Phone Calls by Month & Purpose’.


56282 (11) - Manager’s Performance vs Target
Created visibility of progress to target at a Team level for KPIs, to assess team and individual performance and act accordingly. Targets are configured to 5 predetermined KPIs and allocated to one or more consultants. The targets can be set on either a daily, weekly or monthly basis. 


56870 (11) - Split Appointments by Purpose      
Created visibility of the volumes of different Appointment types (purposes) that a Team has made, to understand past/current activity. Ensured that appointment ‘types’ are configurable per customer. Additionally, we've implemented a doughnut chart titled ‘Appointments by Purpose’ and a stacked bar chart titled ‘Appointments by Month & Purpose’.


52543 (12) - Added single click ability to access Placements directly in Mercury
Navigate to a given Placement record in the core Mercury app directly from an open Mercury Analytics report. For each line displayed in the data table for the ‘Contract Finishers’ report, an "eye" icon is displayed. When a user clicks the "eye" icon, the relevant record is opened in Mercury.


54121 (12) - Added more Detail & Views
You can view greater detail at a glance when using the ‘Individual Hub’ report to quickly and easily compare team members’ performance and address any concerns. Additional views have been added to the ‘Individual Hub’ so that with a single click, a user can switch between detailed views of:

  • ‘Recruitment’ activities (e.g. granularity of first, further & final Interview volumes as well as volumes of Offers Made & Placements).
  • ‘Business Development’ activities (e.g. Clients added).
  • ‘Financials’ (e.g. Placement value, Actual Fees, Fee splits as owner/contributor or similar).


54125 (12) - Remove Extensions from "New Starters"
Within the ‘Contract Starters’ report, users can include/exclude Placements from the visuals where the Starter is actually an extension, with a single click. Therefore, the report is highlighting only truly new Placements and the Profit associated with them. Extensions can be identified by the Placement code in Mercury Core (Placement Code ID). Extensions can be shown/hidden from charts and tables. 


56090 (12) - Addition of ‘Likelihood to Extend’ field for Contract/Temp Placements
See how likely Candidates in contract/temporary Placements are to extend their current placement using the ‘Contract Finishers’ report, to understand the impact of revenue and act based on insights provided. ‘Likely to Extend’ column has been added to the ‘Contract Finishers’ report, as well as a toggle added to the main Finishers page of the Contract Finishers report, to switch between "Finishers" and "Likely to Extend Status".


54120 (13) - Placement Value - View of Single Placement Types at a time
We've split out the Placement types in the Placement Value report to view only one type at a time in the main visual, to quickly visualise changes in volume, or view income over time for Placements of a specific type, in isolation. We've added the ability to view only ‘New Permanent’, only ‘New Contract’ and only ‘Extensions’.


61455 (13) - New Financial Overview Report - Trends & Breakdowns
View detailed visibility of the organisation’s financials, split multiple ways to see trends over time; identify areas for improvement and understand where income is coming from across a business. The New Financial Overview report will contain data showing trends and comparisons of Fees at an organisational level, across date options and trends.


60065 (14) - New Report Framework: Team Leader Boards for Recruitment & Business Development activities
Visibility of how a team is performing across a number of recruitment and business development metrics, even where no specific target has been set or is available for those metrics, to monitor and manage a team’s performance. View a ‘Team Leader Board’ with two distinct pages.

  1. Default display on opening the report - shows Recruitment activities including Gross Profit, Placements, Offers, 1st Interviews, CVs Submitted, and Vacancies.
  2. Business Development activities including New Candidates, New Clients, New Contacts, Spec Sends, Phone Calls, and Appointments. 


62045 (15) - Vacancy Overview - added single click ability to access Vacancies in Mercury Core
Navigate to a given Vacancy record in the core Mercury app directly from an open Mercury Analytics report. For each line displayed in the relevant data tables, an "eye" icon is displayed. When a user clicks the "eye" icon, the relevant Vacancy record is opened in Mercury.


63313 (15) - Team Leader Boards - including Profile pictures
See the profile pictures of team members (if those images are available) in the Team Leader Board report. Profile pictures viewable alongside each user name.


63791 (15) - Combined Business Development & Recruitment Activity reports into one "Activities" report
The Business Development Activities & Recruitment Activities reports are now a single report, reducing the amount of navigation around the Mercury Analytics app. The new ‘Activities’ report has 2 distinct pages with side bar navigation for each report (Business Development Activity and Recruitment Activity).