

Use HireAra to present consistent, quality CVs that make life easier for hiring managers and your consultants.

Create a formatted document (e.g., CV, cover letter, anonymous candidate one pager, submission pack, etc.) and change that to the default on a Candidate record. 

NOTE: HireAra can only be used for a Candidate record. 

For more information, click here to see HireAra's help webpage



Contacts > Candidate Record > Top navigation ribbon > HireAra



Uploading file to HireAra

HireAra will open in a new tab. If a file has previously been uploaded to HireAra, you will have the option to continue editing that file, or upload a new file. Files cannot be uploaded within HireAra, they must already be in the CV folder within the Candidates SharePoint location.


If uploading a new file, select from those listed, or use the search function.


On the next page, select which Template to use. Additionally, add a Job DescriptionInterview Transcript, or Notes - all of which will be passed through AI to further enhance the CV. Once finished, click OK


Editing a CV within HireAra

1. Toggle the Split Screen button to view the original CV alongside the formatted CV. This makes is easier to compare information or to check for errors (e.g. due to formatting issues).

2. Try out different Template options to find the best layout (if available).

3. Clear CV Data from the document in one click. Clear either all CV data, experience, or education. 

4. Manually Add Element into the CV; either an experience section, or free text. 

5. Update the Download File Name if needed. For best practice, we recommend removing spaces from the file name, otherwise it will format as Ashleen%20Braniff.pdf

6. All sections of the Formatted CV can be edited, click to open the relevant textbox(es). 


Exporting back to Mercury and setting as default CV

Once the CV has been reviewed, click Export > Save to Mercury


After the CV has been exported, go to the Experience tab within the Candidate record, and select the new HireAra formatted CV from the dropdown menu in Change Preview CV