
We generally recommend not to make amendments to an Agreement once it has been used and linked to a Placement, particularly in the case where it has been linked to multiple Placements.

The reason for this is that any amendments made will then cascade to all the Placements associated with it.

An example would be that there are five compliance criterions on the Agreement. These have all been Checked and the Compliance has been completed on all linked Placements. If you then need to add a sixth compliance criterion that is required for a current Placement, it will then add this to all of the completed Placements. They will then have a Compliance Score and status of Incomplete and that Compliance would then need to Submitted/Checked.

If a new criterion is required, go to the existing Agreement and enter a date in the 'Effective To' field on the general tab. Once this date has expired, the Agreement can no longer be selected on any vacancies/placements. Clone the current Agreement, rename it and make the amendment(s).

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