

This article shows how to set up an alert for Daxtra users to warn them if a CV gets stuck mid-process.

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.


Daxtra Capture > Admin > Email Alerts


The following steps relate to the screenshot examples further below:    

1. Click the Admin tab in Daxtra Capture.

2. Go to Email Alerts.

3. Select Docket Failed.

4. In the Recipients box, add the email address(es) of who should receive the alerts.

5. Then enable the item called Failed to load.

6. An example for the Content Subject line field can be:  Daxtra System Alert - CV - Failed to load.

7. The following message is an example of what can be added in the body of the message:

Dear [profile.user_fields.xconsultant_name.value]

A candidate [profile.full_name] has been held by Daxtra Processing as an exception.

The CV will need to be manually added to RPM.

Docket ID: 

Daxtra Capture System

8. Click Save Changes.

See screenshot below for further options and settings:

(1) You can add the recipients or the relevant users you require to be alerted. 
(2) Other errors or confirmations can also be tracked for alerts, such as Connection Lost or Docket Failed.
(3) The subject of the email alert can be updated here.
(4) Description of the email can be updated.

The setup is now complete. All defined users will now receive an email alert if a CV ever fails to load.

If you experience any issues with Daxtra email alerts, please contact Daxtra Support for assistance. 

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