

Customise the layout in which you see results from Search. See Candidate details in either a Tile or List view. 

Structured Search has a slightly different layout with more expandable/collapsible panels. This lets you see all current Search Groups and Filter Groups being used. 



Search > Hello, User > Select View > Tiles or List


Tile View

Tile view has the advantages of being able to see detailed information about a Candidate at a glance, commit actions relating to the Candidate, and view the Candidate Detail Card. Results are returned by default by highest Match Rating, but you can also sort by Availability or Last Contacted (Newer to Older, or vice versa). 


Badges can relate to: Hot Lists, Shortlists, Availability, and Off-Limits reasons. 


Match Rating 

See a Candidate's Match Rating in respect to the filters applied, or in the context of a Vacancy. If a candidate matches on more search terms than another candidate, they will be matched higher. This is the default setting for returning results. 


Results Hits

See search filter results in context of the Candidate information. Results are viewable within the tile view, with information on the number of hits and where they are found.

NOTE: Results Hits looks at text filters only. To see a full list of filters and their input method (e.g. free text, lookup, date) see Glossary for Search Terms and Filter Terms in Search.


View Detail for Candidate Detail Card

Additionally, in Tile view, get access to the Candidate Detail card by clicking View Detail, which opens a new modal window with detailed information about a Candidate, such as Candidate details, Shortlists and Applications, Tags, Timeline, and CV information. There is also a profile completeness dial in the top right-hand corner, which gives an insight into how complete a Candidate's entire profile is in percentage form (0 - 100%)



From the tile view, there are a list of Options actions that can be executed for each individual Candidate:


Where is the Options button in Structured Search Tile View?

When searching for Candidates in Structured Search, you may notice the Options button is not visible in each Candidate tile in order to save space. Simply click any of the Hide/Expand buttons at the bottom of the screen to make the Options button visible again. 


List View

List view has the advantages of being able to see details about a Candidate in a formattable table layout with selectable columns using a dropdown list, commit actions relating to the Candidate, and view the Candidate Detail Card. Results are returned by default by highest Match Rating, but you can also sort by any of the column headers by clicking on them.

Column Headers

The default layout of the List view is Name and Actions. Additional columns can be added from the dropdown list. To see a description of each filter see see Glossary for Search Terms and Filter Terms in Search. Click on a column header to sort by that filter, or click Reset Order (Match Rating) to reset to the default order.


Filter Details

  • Highlighted search results

Search results will show up with a blue highlight where they are found in the Candidate information (as long as the column has been selected to show). Only free text search fields will show a highlight. 


  • Expanding cells

Some details within Filters will run on past the cell, making it difficult to see the entire text. Click on a cell to expand it and read. Click again to collapse the panel. 



Results Hits

See search filter results in context of the Candidate information. Results are viewable within the list view, with information on the number of hits and where they are found.

NOTE: Results Hits looks at text filters only. To see a full list of filters and their input method (e.g. free text, lookup, date) see Glossary for Search Terms and Filter Terms in Search.


View Detail for Candidate Detail Card

Additionally, in List view, get access to the Candidate Detail card by clicking View Detail, which opens a new modal window with detailed information about a Candidate, such as Candidate details, Shortlists and Applications, Tags, Timeline, and CV information. There is also a profile completeness dial in the top right-hand corner, which gives an insight into how complete a Candidate's entire profile is in percentage form (0 - 100%)




From the list view, there are two ways to action Options for either individual Candidates, or for multiple Candidates:

  • Individual Candidates: Actions > Options


  • Multiple Candidates

Select the tick boxes of any Candidates, or click the top tick box to select all Candidates currently loaded (the default view is 30, more can be loaded by clicking the Load More button at the bottom of the screen). Then click Add ___ Candidates to List

NOTE: You cannot 'Add Phone Call' to multiple Candidates.


Where is the Options button in Structured Search List View?

When searching for Candidates in Structured Search, you may notice the Options button is not visible in each Candidate tile in order to save space. Simply click any of the Hide/Expand buttons at the bottom of the screen to make the Options button visible again.