

There is now a feature where users can determine  how many Sales Emails a certain user/team/organisation can send within a 24 hour period. This is a great way of keeping track on how much correspondence is being sent out and prevent overwhelming end recipients with requests.

This can be done either via a configuration that will be applied system-wide and via an individual’s user record. This allows restrictions to be specified to certain individuals which can be applied/removed at any time.

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator. In this particular case, Mercury users with the Mercury - UCI App Super User security role are able to edit the Daily Sales Email Limit field. 



Home > Search Bar > Search for rows in a table using advanced filters > type Users in Search tables > click Users > click Continue > select a User 


1. Click into the global Search bar at the top of the screen and click on the Advanced filters option:

2. Type Users into the Search tables bar. Click the returned Users option then click Continue :

3. A list of your organisation's users will appear, depending on which View filter is selected:

4. Once you have selected the required user, you will be taken to that user's personal record where you will be able to apply a Daily Sales Email Limit via the Email Restrictions section:

5. By inputting a value within this field, the selected individual will be limited to that value and they will not be able to surpass it:

6. Any limit that has been applied to a user is reset every night at Midnight (UTC). If the user attempts to send an email once the limit has been reached, then they will encounter an on-screen warning message.


Additional information

It is important to note that the global organisation default limit needs to first be applied at Client level within the configuration file, where all users will have that default applied to them. Only after this config has been carried out, will the User level restriction come into play.